Force 5®  Sailboats Manufactured by Weeks Yacht Yard --- Patchogue, New York       

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      Force 5 ®  Class Association      

                        "THE ARCHIVES"

                               PAST CHAMPIONS   1973-2010


                                            NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP

                         1st                               2nd                          3rd                                          Regatta Site

1974          Gary Jobson                Jack Evans            Will White                   Barrington YC,  Barrington, RI

1975          Jack Evans                  Will White             Stretch Rider                Old Point Comfort YC, Hampton, VA

1976          Derrick Fries               Dave Beuni            Mark Powell                Association Island YC  Henderson Harbor, NY

1977          Derrick Fries               Mike Catalano       Mark Powell                Oshkosh YC, Oshkosh, WI

1978          Courtney Young          Mark Powell         Bob Condon                Bristol YC, Bristol, RI

1979          Randall Swan              Joe Waters           Will Haltiwanger           Beaufort YSC,  Beaufort, SC

1980          Derrick Fries               Rick Lucas             Bill Cavitt                      Bay City/East Tawas YCs, E. Tawas, MI

1981          Dave Schoene              Courtney Young     Bob Cullen                 Broad Bay SA,  Manteo, NC

1982         Tim Parker                   Bob Cullen              Ken VanWagenen       Lorain SC, Lorain, OH

1983          Bob Cullen                   Tim Parker             Brad Balmert              Barrington YC, Barrington, RI

1984         Mike Catalano             Paco Calvet             Steve Perry                 Miami YC, Miami, FL

1985         John Barrere               Courtney Young      Bob Cullen                 Hunterdon SC, Clinton, NJ

1986         Bob Cullen                   Courtney Young      Randall Swan             Oconee S&YC, Millegeville, GA

1987         Bob Cullen                   John Barrere             Courtney Young         Eastwood Lake SA, Cowan Lake, OH

1988         Danny McLean            Courtney Young       Phil Trinter                Broad Bay SA,  Elizabeth City, NC

1989         Courtney Young          Bob Cullen               Tom Oryniak             Ostego SC, Cooperstown, NY

1990         Steve Smeulders          Courtney Young       Tom Oryniak              Lake Erie Boat Club, Conneut, OH

1991         Steve Smeulders          Bob Cullen               Courtney Young         Hunterdon SC, Clinton, NJ

1992         Bob Cullen                   Tom Oryniak            Jim Bigham                 Pasquotank River YC, Elizabeth City, NC

1993         Paul Pincura                Bob Cullen               Courtney Young         Lorain SC, Lorain, OH

1994         Bob Cullen                   Courtney Young       Byron Hicks               Thames YC, New London, CT

1995         Bob Cullen                   Luke Buxton             Courtney Young          Blackbeard SC, New Bern, SC

1996         Luke Buxton                Bob Cullen                Phil Trinter                 Ashtabula YC,  Ashtabula, OH

1997         Bob Cullen                  Courtney Young        Peter Young               Saratoga SC, Saratoga, NY

1998         Brian Weeks                John Potter                Bob Cullen                Pasquotank River YC, Elizabeth City, NC

1999         John Potter                  Bryan Parker              Brian Weeks             Grand River YC, Fairport Harbor, OH

2000         Brian Weeks                Bob Cullen                Fred Meno                 West River SC, Galesville, MD

2001         Bob Cullen                  Courtney Young        Peter Young                Hunterdon SC, Clinton, NJ

2002         Bryan Parker              Peter Young              Rich Chapman            Pymatuning SC, Linesville, PA

2003         Fred Meno                    Bryan Parker             Bob Cullen                  Patchogue Beach & SC, Patchogue, NY

2004           Bob Cullen                   Steve Perry                Brian Weeks            Thames YC, New London, CT

2005          Jim Bigham                  Steve Perry              Courtney Young           Buffalo Canoe Club, Ontario CANADA

2006          Fred Meno                     Peter Young            Bob Cullen                   Buffalo Canoe Club, Ontario CANADA

2007         Courtney Young            Peter Young           Tom Welsh                   Thames YC, New London, CT

2008         Steve Smeulders          Rich Chapman       Bob Cullen                    Canandaigua YC, Canandaigua, NY

2009         Steve Smeulders            Doug Brown           Courtney Young            Hunterdon SC, Clinton, NJ

2010        Courtney Young             Byron Hicks            John Barrere                 Western Carolina Sailing Club


                                                WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP

____________1st                               2nd                             3rd                                        Regatta Site

1979           Derrick Fries                  Steve Mehl                 Steve West                        Miami YC, Miami, FL   

1980           Derrick Fries                  Mike Catalano            Will Haltiwanger              Mental Health Foundation, Naples, FL

1982        Derrick Fries                  Shawn Sullivan          Bob Cullen                        W. River Camp,  Shady Side, MD

1984        Derrick Fries                  Brad Balmert              Mike Catalano                   Lorain, SC,  Lorain, OH


                                              MIDWINTER CHAMPIONSHIP

                          1st                          2nd                           3rd                                        Regatta Site

1978          Mike Catalano           Paco Calvet            Bob Bigham                       Miami YC, Miami, FL

1979          Mike Catalano           Jim Bigham            Al Huxthall                        Orlando YC, Orlando, FL

1980          Mike Catalano           Steve Perry             Mark Powell                      Miami YC, Miam, FL

1981          Mike Catalano           Jim Bigham            Charles Burke                    Clearwater YC, Clearwater, FL

1982          Mike Catalano           Jim Bigham            Paco Calvet                        Clearwater YC, Clearwater, FL

1983          Steve Perry                Bob Cullen              Tom Oryniak                     Miami YC, Miami, FL

1984          Mike Catalano           Paco Calvet             Jim Bigham                       Miami YC, Miami, FL

1985          Mike Catalano           Bob Cullen              Steve Perry                        Miami YC, Miami, FL

1986          Mike Catalano           Jim Bigham             Paco Calvet                       Miami YC, Miami, FL

1987         Jim Bigham                Don Germanson        John Sherry                      Miami YC, Miami, FL

1988         John Barrere              Bob Cullen               Courtney Young               Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC

1989          Steve Knatzke            Ray Buchanan          Bill Hunter                       Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC

1990          Bill Hunter                 Ray Buchanan          Morgan Jameson              Beaufort Y&SC, Beaufort SC

1991          Steve Knatzke            Bill Hunter               Ray Buchanan                  Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC

1992          Byron Hicks              Paul Harder               Paul Pincura                     Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC

1993          Bob Cullen                 Steve Knatzke          Paul Pincura                     Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC

1994          Jim Thomas               Guy McSweeney      Paul Harder                      Beaufort Y&SC, Beaufort SC

1995          Phil Trinter                  Luke Buxton            Bob Cullen                         Beaufort Y&SC, Beaufort SC

1996          Brian Weeks               Luke Buxton            Paul Harder                      Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC

1997         John Potter                  Bob Cullen              Jim Signor                        Upper Keys SC, Key Largo, FL

1998         John Potter                  Bob Cullen              Courtney Young                Beaufort Y&SC, Beaufort SC

1999         John Potter                  Phil Trinter              Steve Perry                       Upper Keys SC, Key Largo, FL

2000         John Potter                  Bob Cullen               Courtney Young               Beaufort Y&SC, Beaufort SC

2001         Fred Meno                   Bob Cullen               Jim Bigham                      Upper Keys SC, Key Largo, FL

2002         John Potter                  Fred Meno               Bob Cullen                       Beaufort Y&SC, Beaufort SC

2003         Fred Meno                   Jim Bigham              Steve Perry                      Upper Keys SC, Key Largo, FL

2004         Bob Cullen                   Doug Brown             Fred Meno                       Western Carolina SC,  Lk Hartwell, SC   

 2005     Fred Meno                    Bob Cullen              Brian Weeks                      Upper Keys Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

2006      John Potter                  Bob Cullen                Steve Perry                       Upper Keys Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

2007      Bob Cullen                   Steve Perry              John Barrere                      Upper Keys Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL      

2008      Bob Cullen                   Steve Perry               Jim Bigham                      Upper Keys Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

2009     Fred Meno                     Bob Cullen                   Joe Healey                    Upper Keys Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

2010      Bob Cullen                  Steve Perry                  Joe Healey                    Upper Keys Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL                                                                                                      

                                                                     FIRST REGATTA

1973      Will White                                                                                               Westchester Country Club, Rye NY




                      PAST PRESIDENTS of the FORCE 5 Class Association


1984-1986                       Courtney Young                  Hunterdon Lake SC /  Canada Lake SC

1986-1988                       John Barrere                        Norwalk YC

1988-1990                       Tom Pincura                        Lorain  SC

1990-1992                       Ray Buchanan                     Hunterdon SC

1992-1994                       Paul Pincura                        Lorain SC

1994-1996                       Byron Hicks                        Toms River YC

1996-1998                       Chris Zofchak                     Pymatuning SC

1998-2000                       Byron Hicks                        Toms River YC

2000-2002                       Rich Baumann                     Hunterdon SC

2002-2004                       Ray Buchanan                     Hunterdon SC

2004-2007                       Bob Cullen                           Thames YC

2008- present                  Chris Zofchak                      Pymatuning SC



Note:  Before 1984 the Force 5 class organization was run by

AMF / Alcort division class secretaries, Steve Baker and Lee Parks







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Last modified: 09/03/10